Connection Cards

Make it easy to connect with guests and members about their next steps.  Connection Cards are great tools to gather contact information, interest in next steps opportunities, and follow up for prayer request or questions.

ChurchInk Connection Cards Feature: 

  • Uncoated, Matte, and Gloss Front finish
  • 4 sizes to choose from
  • 4 Color Printing 
  • Square or Round Corners 

To speed up your order, make sure you read "How to Prepare Your Artwork". 

File Upload Information: We accept the following file formats: TIF, EPS, PDF, AI, JPG, PNG

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
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Customize & Estimate

Printing Cost:$65.52
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Estimated Total:$65.52